Posted in ROW80

ROW80 2012 Round 2 – On being Lazy…

I’m being honest from the outset, no need to fluff it up with any excuses or pandering to ‘mood’, my personal opinion of my progress this week is that I have just been plain out and out lazy.

Yeah sure, the weather has been so amazing all anyone wants to do right now is sit out and enjoy the sun, heck why wouldn’t we? It’s England, we could get snow again next week… it is unlikely to last long, we have o make the most of a bit of good weather when we get it!! But it’s no excuse…

Okay, so on top on the weather there’s also the small issue of something that has been on my mind, or should that be someone, anyway it is a massive distraction that I cannot get this out of my head, and I really need to because this person is not good for me and has just got a girlfriend, so I need to move on. Why can’t I pick and choose when I have BPD episodes, because if I could I would choose to be splitting right now – this guy has mistreated me, I should be hating and devaluing him, not want anything to do with him, not idolising him!! But that is no excuse…

Probably down to the previous issue and/or (more likely both) my mood is pants, I’m still finding everything boring, have no motivation to do anything and I am only doing the bare minimum of anything, I feel empty, disenchanted and unenthused. My therapist did question if maybe this is ‘normal’ or stable in most other people’s life views, but for me it seems off kilter and strange as I am so used to having/needing to be busy and productive, constantly on the go doing things, that to just take time to do very little feels alien to me, I guess she may be right, but it is still no excuse…

As I said at the start, I believe I have been very lazy with my goals, I am not making much effort to do them, why don’t you take a look…

Here is what I’ve been up to this week…


My goal here is just to do ‘something’ with my WIP’s during each week – I have not lifted a figure, opened a file or written a single word that would count as doing ‘something’ with my WIP’s.


Still getting a post in each day although some days I am writing it on the morning t go out that day, because I have been too lazy to write and schedule any in advance – tell a lie, I have tomorrows post scheduled, but it is the only one…


Amazingly I have finished Frankie (Kevin Lewis), sitting in the sun reading was nice, now I need to catch up with reading more though!


Still volunteering, still jewellery making, still losing pool matches, will write posts about each when I get round to it, lol.

I have started working on my EMA final project examinable assignment for my DD308 Sociology OU course. I got 78% on the last TMA so as long as I get over 70% on the EMA I should get a Grade 2 pass 🙂

I’ve been at the pub sitting enjoying the sun with my mates – hence being so lazy with everything else this week! lol

I will try not to be so lazy next week, bt who knows what will happen if this weather continues! haha

How has the week been for you?

Have you got any news to share?

Click here to enter your link and visit the other ROW80er’s


Self-published author whose first book Coffee Break Companion, a collection of short stories and poems is now available on Amazon. S.L.Grigg lives in Bromsgrove with her family. Working in the NHS and enjoying reading, Pilates and travel, amongst other things when she isn't too busy writing.

25 thoughts on “ROW80 2012 Round 2 – On being Lazy…

  1. Here’s to being lazy in the warmer weather! I’ve fallen off the path in terms of some social media things, but have kept up with writing and reading (since I can do those anywhere and don’t have to be online). Semi win. I think you’ve gotten some good forward progress. Have a great week!


  2. Hi Sharon, nice update. You know what, I think being lazy is good once in a while. 😉 Better to recognize and be okay with your laziness than to be in denial! Last weekend was a lazy one for me as well, but I’m making up for it today. Best of luck with your goals! I like your blog…totally following you 🙂


    1. Thanks Wendy, I think if we can’t be honest with ourselves how can we be honest with others?! I hate being lazy but at least I recognise that I am doing it rather than make excuses lol 😉 Thanks for following 🙂


  3. Always glad when my random ROW visits land me here. Enjoy the nice weather…and when the clouds roll in again, let the stored-up sunshine pour out onto the paper. Thank you for allowing us real glimpses into your authentic self. It’s a privilege. All the very best.


  4. “On being lazy…” sounds like one of my post titles! I am often guilty of lacking motivation and doing the bare minimum too… 🙂 So I’m sure things will pick up and you’ll have some good days!


  5. Blogging, volunteer work, school work, and jewelry-making are all still accomplishments, even if it’s not what you’d hoped to do this week! I didn’t get too much done myself, thanks to migraines and too much to do. But this is a new week. Hope yours is good!


  6. Take the time to enjoy the weather! Living in an area where the sun is also sporadic in it’s appearance, we have to take what we can get, right?! I hope you feel better this week and good luck! (And remember, we are all here cheering you on during the lazy times. I’ve had a few myself! 🙂 )


  7. You are not alone in the lazy department!! 🙂 I am right there with you.. I open my WIP and I edit like two pages and then I walk away.. UGH… so frustrating.

    As far as this person you are interested in.. if you know they are bad news for you, try to figure out a way to keep the relationship a “non-relationship,” If they have a girlfriend, that is a world of hurt for you… you deserve much, much better!!

    take care Sharon… ❤


    1. Thanks Darlene, it is very frustrating! Yeah the guy was single until a few days ago and we’ve had a turbulent non-relationship for a while, the girlfriend will hopefully help get this out of my system, I am always being told I deserve better anyway! (so long as he doesn’t come running back to me if it doesn’t last with her, cause that will just confuse me!)


  8. I’ve been enjoying the English weather at the moment. But I decided to take my laptop outside to write. Kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. My main downside this week, has been discovering my story for my writing group is screaming NON STORY.

    Just remember that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.


    1. I have tried taking the laptop out with me but it’s so hard to see the screen in the sun, the best I get to do is takes books and notepads, I guess at least I’m doing a little something then 🙂 What a shame about your story, hope you have a better week this week!


  9. There’ll be good and bad days/weeks – I’ve just been learning that myself, feeling pretty bad for the majority of the last week or so.

    Sending you strength and determination!

    All the best.


      1. Yeah, sucks. I’m totally with you on that one Sharon.

        Wishing us both better days ahead.


  10. hi there i know what your going thru ive been like that for weeks now my house is a tip can’t be bothered some days to wash a dish. also been splitting for weeks its scary not being able to make decisions scared incase its the wrong one again, just hope it passes for you soon


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